The image shows a woman with a focused expression, applying a skincare product to her face with both hands.

Dermal Fillers

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What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal fillers are injectable substances designed to restore lost volume, smooth out wrinkles and fine lines, and enhance facial contours. These fillers are typically composed of hyaluronic acid, a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps maintain skin hydration and volume. By replenishing hyaluronic acid levels, dermal fillers can plump up the skin, diminish wrinkles, and create a more youthful and refreshed look.

This Treats

Dermal fillers are versatile and can address a variety of cosmetic concerns, including:

  • Smoothing out lines and wrinkles around the mouth
  • Adding volume to the cheeks and temples
  • Enhancing lip fullness and definition
  • Softening under-eye hollows and dark circles
  • Improving the appearance of scars and depressions in the skin.

How long do Dermal Fillers last?

The duration of dermal fillers varies depending on the type of filler used, the area treated, and individual factors such as metabolism and lifestyle. In general, most dermal fillers last between six months to two years. Some fillers, particularly those with thicker formulations, may provide longer-lasting results.

To maintain optimal results, we recommend scheduling touch-up appointments as needed to replenish lost volume and preserve your desired look.

How does an appointment work?

When you schedule a dermal filler appointment with us in Orlando, Dr. Phillips, you'll first meet with one of our skilled practitioners for a comprehensive consultation. During this consultation, we'll discuss your aesthetic goals, assess your facial anatomy, and develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your unique needs and preferences.

On the day of your appointment, our practitioner will administer the dermal filler injections using a fine needle or cannula. The procedure is relatively quick and comfortable, with minimal downtime. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after treatment, although some temporary swelling, bruising, or redness may occur.

*We carry Juvederm & Restylane

A woman in a white lab coat is attending to a client seated on a dental chair, both are in an office setting with medical equipment visible.
The image is a color photograph of a man smiling and looking slightly to his right. He has short hair, a beard, and is wearing a blue checkered shirt with a brown coat over it. The background suggests an outdoor setting with warm lighting, possibly during sunset or early evening.

Why Choose Us

At Celine Med Spa, located in Dr. Phillips Orlando, we specialize in providing advanced aesthetic treatments using state-of-the-art technology. Our team of skilled professionals is committed to delivering personalized care and achieving optimal outcomes for our patients.With our expertise, you can trust us to help you achieve your goal.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who is a Good Candidate?


Individuals with volume loss in the face, such as sunken cheeks or thin lips.

Candidates who want to fill in deep facial lines and wrinkles.

People seeking to enhance facial contours and restore youthful fullness.

Are dermal fillers safe?


Yes, dermal fillers are considered safe when administered by trained and experienced practitioners. The fillers we use are FDA-approved and have undergone rigorous testing to ensure their safety and efficacy.

Will I look unnatural after dermal filler treatment?


Our goal is to enhance your natural beauty and create subtle, yet noticeable improvements. With our customized approach and meticulous technique, we strive to achieve results that look harmonious and natural.

Can dermal fillers be combined with other treatments?


Yes, dermal fillers can be combined with other cosmetic treatments such as Botox, chemical peels, and laser therapy to address multiple aesthetic concerns and achieve comprehensive rejuvenation.

How soon can I see results after dermal filler treatment?


You may notice immediate improvement in the treated areas, with final results becoming more apparent as any swelling or bruising subsides. Depending on the type of filler used and your body's response, results can continue to improve over the following weeks.

We hope this information has provided you with valuable insights into the benefits of dermal fillers and how they can help you achieve your aesthetic goals. If you have any further questions or would like to schedule a consultation, please don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to helping you look and feel your best!

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About Us

At Celine Medical Spa, we are dedicated to harnessing the latest advancements in skincare technology, offering a range of treatments designed to address various skin concerns.


11895 South Apopka Vineland Rd.
Suite 130
Orlando, FL 32836